Sunday, July 28, 2013

No Cows, but there are MOOMOOs

Moomoos are a local dress here in Kosrae.  A bible student so kindly gave Kayla and I a couple moomoos of our own. This is us sporting our new dresses at meeting. (Check out the flip flops too!)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Kosrae's water free...

Water is not metered here, so it's free. This is how we get our drinking water in Kosrae. Water from the sink faucet is not clean, so we go to areas that collect rain water and fill up our water bottles. Some people have rain water catchment tanks; we don't, so we have to go to a public one.  It's clean, and it's free. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cups. Yes we're playing with cups. =)

Julie, Mary and I were playing around. We've been practicing this cup routine- we still need work, but here is a sample.
That's Mora in the back washing dishes, while we're playing around. hehe.

This is not goodbye...

Dale and Joe are two wonderful brothers who came to live in Kosrae to help where there is a need.  And they did the what they came to do!  We have been so encouraged by their sacrifices, and encouraging example. We will miss them dearly.  This is not goodbye, because as long as we are in Jehovah's organization our friendships will never end.