Sunday, May 29, 2011

One more in the FAMILY!

My first Circuit Assembly in Kosrae. We had 63 in attendance. (We only have 21 publishers) Our D.O. accompanied our C.O. for this visit. They and their wives all stayed with me and Anna Belle at our place!
We had one candidate for baptism. Sepe Sigra. After we were dismissed for lunch- we all drove to the Beach! Sepe was going to get baptized in the ocean at the causeway. It was a bright sunny day.                                                   

Her and her husband have 5 children. You've seen pics of their kids on previous post. Her husband Francis has been baptized a few years now. What glory it brings Jehovah to have a family all serving him.
This family has a wonderful future ahead of them. They have been such an encouragement to me. What a blessing to have great support in the field, help with the language, and a family to lean on. I'm so proud of you Sepe!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Can't Believe this is My Assignment!

Conducting Bible Studies on the beach.
Beautiful Scenery.
These girls along with their mother, are some of my Bible students.
Catching a ride to meeting in the back of a pick-up.
Playing baseball with mits made out of cardboard.
Work or Play, this is a great place to be!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Welcome Home

Anna Belle invited all to come to our house and welcome me back home to Kosrae!