Thursday, June 16, 2011

Support the troops...of Kosrae

It's great to be working side by side with this group of people. Special full-time service is certainly a privlege, but to have partners like these makes it that much better! Step over into Micronesia, and see for yourself.From left to right: Sean and Kathy Miller, Anna Belle (SitSit) Helmi, Kathy (Kot) Fasolino, and Jun and Evelyn Reselva

Fellow Workers...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

One more in the FAMILY!

My first Circuit Assembly in Kosrae. We had 63 in attendance. (We only have 21 publishers) Our D.O. accompanied our C.O. for this visit. They and their wives all stayed with me and Anna Belle at our place!
We had one candidate for baptism. Sepe Sigra. After we were dismissed for lunch- we all drove to the Beach! Sepe was going to get baptized in the ocean at the causeway. It was a bright sunny day.                                                   

Her and her husband have 5 children. You've seen pics of their kids on previous post. Her husband Francis has been baptized a few years now. What glory it brings Jehovah to have a family all serving him.
This family has a wonderful future ahead of them. They have been such an encouragement to me. What a blessing to have great support in the field, help with the language, and a family to lean on. I'm so proud of you Sepe!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I Can't Believe this is My Assignment!

Conducting Bible Studies on the beach.
Beautiful Scenery.
These girls along with their mother, are some of my Bible students.
Catching a ride to meeting in the back of a pick-up.
Playing baseball with mits made out of cardboard.
Work or Play, this is a great place to be!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Welcome Home

Anna Belle invited all to come to our house and welcome me back home to Kosrae!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A hundred fold- Really!

Its a neat feeling to experience a love like our brotherhood!
It's the most wonderful family!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Most Important Day of the Year.

For the first time in many years I was able to attend the Memorial with my mom and my brother. (That's my little cousin in the front.)
I pray that we will all be servants of Jehovah one day.

Thanks to the friends in California that keep my family in mind while they are out in service. It means a lot to me.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

We Are Everywhere!

What an Exciting Month! I just kept getting reports from friends around the world about how many pioneers there are in their congregation this month. Jehovah's people are everywhere.

Here are some of the Pioneers in Pleasant Valley and Concord!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

This is certainly not an island...

Of course I've seen snow before, but it has been awhile. Thanks to some friends I got to have a little fun in the snow.

Summers, Thanks for having Mae and I come over! You guys are family! Thanks for all of the wonderful support and encouraging words. I love you guys! What a privilege to be fellow workers with you.

Boys...well your not boys anymore. Its was nice to spend sometime with young people who really love Jehovah. Keep up the Pioneering, and I hope to see you out here soon! (You won't need the Jackets)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's Always nice to be with Family...

Many of you know I went back to California to be with my family for an unexpected little stay. You don't realize how much you miss them until you are with them again.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The ministry is going great!

Some of "The First Time..."

The first time I gave a talk in Kosrean. (I don't think the congregation could understand me, but they all had so many nice things to say afterwards)

The first time Anna Belle made dinner for us.

The first time I went to an actual farm to get vegetables.

The first "girls night" at our place.

The first time I grated coconut to make a hair conditioner so my hair can grow long like the locals. Mary was there to make sure I did it right.

The first time I had to evacuate because of a tsunami warning.
This is the house of one of the families in the congregation. Many in the house are surrounding neighbors that needed a high place to evacuate to. Everything turned out ok here in Kosrae.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The new Kingdom Hall

This young boy is often found naked on the kingdom hall sidewalk making a mess. He gets talked to a lot about that, but he has a smile to die for.

The two kids on the left are Jaraski and Connie. Jaraski is 3 and has memorized many kingdom songs and the books of the Bible. Their parents are so encouraging and a great example. They often come over to our house and generously share the fruits they've grown.Yoko is the 5 year old girl on the right. Her mom has been studying on and off for a few years now. Last Sunday we were excited to see Yoko at the meeting, but she was alone...she had walked by herself. She lives about 1 mile north of the kingdom hall.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Back in Kosrae...

Not for construction- the Kingdom hall is all finished. I'm here for the preaching work!

I Left Guam, and there are few stops on other islands before I get to Kosrae. To Our suprize- when the plane stopped in Pohnpei, Anna Belle (my partner) got on and we were assigned to sit right next to each other.

This is our house and welcoming crew! Thanks to everyone who helped get the place ready.

Our house is called the Akiko house. (I think KHCG named it.) It has 3 bedrooms, mangroves in the back and the ocean in the front. We have a breadfruit tree and a couple of tangerine trees in our yard-Yum!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

They followed me...

Joi and Damali flew to Guam. We didn't have to say our goodbyes in Saipan. We were able to hang out before I officially left for Kosrae.

It was Joi's 1st time to Guam- everything, and I mean everything was so exciting her.

I'm so happy you guys came out!

Seeing all the friends in Guam got me more ready for my assignment. (Thank You my LEE family.)

Kevin Lee just got back from helping out with construction in Ebeye. Glad we could join the party.

Delores- thanks for the super fun day! Yogurtland was awesome.


Monday, February 21, 2011

I hate the airport...

It's because of the people I've met and the experiences I've had on Saipan that have helped me to know Jehovah more. Thank you for all of your loving support. I'm super excited about my new assignment, but this is the part I didn't want to go through- Saying goodbye. I miss you already.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saipan's 1st ever Scavenger Hunt!

6 car groups, 15 items, and 30 hunters!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Saying "See you later"...

I tried my best to make my rounds to say goodbye to the friends in Saipan. Here are some of the pics...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Farewell, Friends, and Fun

With the Pfisters off to the Philippines and me off to Kosrae- the congregations threw us a Farewell party. Food, entertainment, and fun loving people. What better way to send us off. I can't handle the thought of leaving my Saipan family. But that's the thing about family- they are always your family right! I LOVE YOU!